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Pepper’s Ghost is all about community!

Theatre is an immensely powerful force and experience.   It can deal with anything and we believe it can be a real driving force for good.  With that in mind we want to use it to help people and bring joy into their lives. This week our blog is all about our community work.



We have been working with the YMCA for some months now.  Shahnaz Hussain, their fund raising manager, is working hard  to raise awareness and money for homeless young people in MK. As we know it is a problem which has  increased in recent years, but the YMCA is determined to  do all it can to change this. There is going to be a  number of fund raising events in the coming months and we can be a key part of this!  We need ACTORS!   This is on a voluntary basis as we are raising money for this amazing charity.


All actors, directors, musicians etc have offered to give their time for free so that we can maximise the amount of money we raise for the homeless.





Friday 28th October  6.30pm

Windmill Hill Golf Course

Milton Keynes

Tickets are £35.00 for guests.


Actors will play different characters throughout the evening.


“The main room plays host to a menagerie of character and creatures,

creating an eerie and thoroughly enticing atmosphere through the evening.

Some walk about amongst the guests and entertain at tables, other are exhibits

or performers, telling stories, reciting poems etc”.


So please do get involved!  Not only will it be great fun, it will also help in raising

vital funds for vital work.


Email  if you are interested.  There will be a few

rehearsals in September at the YMCA on Tuesday evenings to prepare for the event.




We were thrilled to be voted the best MK Theatre Company for Milton Keynes 2014.


Here’s what they had to say!

“Another good year from the always-reliable Pepper’s Ghost, switching their regular venue from MADCAP to Stantonbury Theatre without missing a step and celebrating their tenth anniversary in style with both “Our Country’s Good” and “Romeo & Juliet”. Not to mention their revival at Radcliffe of two local community plays to celebrate the centenary of the First World War – they’re as busy as ever! Here’s to the next ten years!”


Romeo and Juliet

We are delighted to announce that the Milton Keynes Community Foundation are supporting this production. Thank you very much


“Your Loving Brother Albert” and “Nellie”

We are thrilled to be part of the Great War Project MK   “ From Conflict to Cosmopolis” with six other partners – The Living Archive,  MK Gallery, Festive Road, Independent Cinema, Westbury Farm and Cowper and Newton Musuem.  Funding has been achieved through the Arts and Heritage Alliance applying for a grant from The Heritage Lottery Fund. Pepper’s Ghost is very grateful to be able to share in that. Pepper’s Ghost has also been funded by Wolverton and Greenleys Council.

We are most grateful for all your support.


Happy Birthday Tenth Pepper’s Ghost! 

To celebrate our tenth anniversary we  had a lovely champagne reception and invited supporters, funders and friends.  Mayor Brian White gave a wonderful speech wishing us well. We also wanted to thank everyone who has supported us in the past ten years. It all started with a grant from the Milton Keynes Community Foundation. So thank you once again for investing and believing in us. Here’s to the next ten years!




Fete Champetre

Pepper’s Ghost has been asked to perform an excerpt from its very successful production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” for the Milton Keynes Community Foundation’s  “Fete Champetre”. This is a private donor event and we feel very privileged to have been asked to take part. The MK Community Foundation has been very generous to us in their support of our work. We are delighted to be able to say “thank you” by offering a performance of a magical scene from this  wonderful play. If the sun shines too it will be an added bonus”



RSC Open Stages

Pepper’s Ghost  was selected to perform a scene from its highly praised “ A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at the RSC Courtyard Theatre in Stratford Upon Avon in March of this year. It was an amazing experience and we played to packed houses. Two members of the company – Sue Whyte and Bill Handley went on to appear in the RSC’s production of “ Pericles” in October.

Logo RSC Open Stages Small

Press Release

Pepper’s Ghost Theatre Company gets ready to perform “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” as part of the RSC’s Open Stages Project.


Madcap Theatre, Wolverton, Milton Keynes  Weds11th, Thurs 12th, Fri 13th and Sat 14th May 7.30pm, matinee Sat 14th May 2pm. Tickets £10 & £8. Box office 01908 320179 or book online


Madcap Theatre will be transformed into a magical forest with the audience seated within it!  An inspiring and edgy production.


Pepper’s Ghost Theatre Company is an inclusive company based at Madcap Arts Centre exploring all aspects of theatre. The company has built an enviable reputation for its high production values and exciting productions. This production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” provides a magical design concept and we are working with a new young choreographer from The Royal Academy of Dance.


The production has been chosen to be part of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Open Stages Project.


“RSC Open Stages is a new project that aims to embrace, develop and celebrate amateur theatre, re-forging the bond with the world of professional theatre while opening up access to Shakespeare for performers and audiences alike”.

Micheal Boyd - RSC, Artistic Director


“We are so thrilled to have been chosen to be part of this exciting project. It’s such a fantastic idea and can only succeed in generating even more enthusiasm in participants and audiences for our wonderful literary heritage and this greatest of playwrights -William Shakespeare” says Rosemary Hill, director of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.


Open Stages will culminate in a national celebration, when selected participants will be invited to perform their productions at the RSC in Stratford- Upon- Avon, as part of the World Shakespeare Festival, alongside the Company’s own festival productions and those from theatre companies around the world.


The project is funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation.

Pepper's Ghost has been busy fund raising with a fabulous tea party in May. The sun shone and we drank Pimms and ate lots of beautiful cakes!. We plan to make this an annual event. Many thanks to Wyatt James, Cost Co and John Lewis for supporting this event.


John Lewis Sponsor
Costco Sponsor
Wyatt James Sponsor

Milton Keynes Community Foundation

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded funding from The Milton Keynes Community Foundation to work with disabled groups and those with learning difficulties as part of the MK50 “ Home Sweet Home” project.  The funds come from the Margaret Powell Fund and the Arts Fund. We shall be stating work on this later this year.


We were delighted to be asked to perform as part of the Milton Keynes Community Foundation 30th Anniversary Celebrations on 30th June. We performed pieces from “ A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and “Twelfth Night”. Both productions had been supported by the Foundation.  It was a wonderful evening and we were honoured to take part. 

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